Danish startup company Skypuzzler writes history by winning top aviation Award

Danish startup Skypuzzler is writing history as the first startup to win the prestigious ATM Award in the category 'Shaping our future skies' category. The ceremony took place in Geneva on March 8th at the Airspace World 2023 conference.

Jesper Skou, CEO of Skypuzzler "This award shows that we are recognised as a future' game changer' for the global aviation industry. Skypuzzler's digital air traffic control for drones is vital for the safe and efficient use of drones in our skies. We are delighted that the global aviation community sees the importance of our solution. Drones are enormously useful and could add value to several industries if an infrastructure technology such as ours is in place to help these flights."

Industry expert Philip Butterworth-Hayes sees traffic management for drones as a seriously booming business. "The commercialisation phase of the industry will start in earnest in 2024, and in the early years of its development, to 2027, around 54 per cent of the overall market value will be derived from building the infrastructure and systems deployment," said the author in his industry report, forecasting drone market growth for the period 2023-2027.

About Skypuzzler
Skypuzzler's technology enables drones to operate more efficiently and safely in airspace by preventing collisions. Its digital air traffic control of drones is based on a complex algorithm technology.


About the ATM Awards
The ATM Awards are given out in recognition of outstanding achievements and positive contributions in air traffic management (ATM) hosted by CANSO and ATM Magazine. The awards acknowledge pioneering concepts, initiatives, and significant achievements by leaders and organisations in the ATM industry. With its focus on innovation, collaboration, resilience, sustainability, and safety, the ATM Awards ceremony shines a light on bright ideas for the future of air traffic management. 



CEO Jesper Skou, jesper.skou@skypuzzler.com, +4540296792


Information om Skypuzzler

Østergade 16, 4th
1100 København K


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