News from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

New Acute Package for Ukraine of EUR 35.7 million

The government increases the support to Ukraine with Acute Package II. The package will support the Ukrainian people through the winter.

Russia’s targeted attacks on the critical infrastructure in Ukraine, including on the water, energy, and heat supply, threatens the general humanitarian conditions for the population of Ukraine. Russia’s invasion and bombings in Ukraine result in critical damages to a large part of the energy infrastructure. The humanitarian needs are dire and an increasing amount of Ukrainians will be forced to leave their homes because of the low temperatures, active combat actions, and the lack of access to basic needs.

“Russian bombings has systematically targeted the civil infrastructure in Ukraine in an attempt to create the largest possible needs and to break the Ukrainian resilience. We are standing firmly with Ukraine in their fight against these continuing attacks. The new Acute Package will especially focus on basic needs such as housing, clean water, warm clothes, and electricity, so Ukrainians can manage to get through the tough winter safe and sound,” says the minister for development cooperation and global climate policy, Dan Jørgensen.

The new support comes on top of the substantial Danish support to Ukraine since Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. The Danish civilian and humanitarian support to Ukraine since the invasion amounts to almost EUR 200 million. The Danish support will assist the population through the winter and into the spring by giving access to basic needs and emergency aid, including water, heat and electricity, blankets, warm clothes and housing. The Danish support targets the most vulnerable groups in Ukraine, including the many Ukrainians located close to the contact lines that can be difficult for support efforts to reach.

Denmark has taken a special responsibility in the support to the city of Mykolaiv. For this reason, part of the Acute Package II will also focus on the reconstruction of water and heat supplies in Mykolaiv.


The Acute Package II will be implemented by the partners of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • UNOPS (The United Nations Office for Project Services): EUR 17.85 million 
  • The Danish Refugee Aid: EUR 3.4 million

  • EBRD (The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) ‘Ukraine Crisis Response Special Fund’: EUR 4 million

  • OCHA (The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs): EUR 4.7 million

  • UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency): EUR 4 million

  • UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund): EUR 1.35 million

  • The Danish Emergency Management Agency: EUR 200 000

  • The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities: EUR 200 000

For further information:

Press office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: e-mail to or phone +45 67 97 92 47 (text messages not possible).

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