Niras A/S

NIRAS wins large tunnel project in the port of Copenhagen

NIRAS has won the tender for the 1.4 km Nordhavn Tunnel in Copenhagen, Denmark in a bid together with the joint venture partners MT Højgaard Denmark and the Belgian company N.V. BESIX S.A. The total value of the contract is at DKK 2.6 billion (approximately USD 348 million).
The 1.4 km Nordhavn Tunnel in the port of Copenhagen will be concluded in 2027. (Photo: The Danish Road Directorate)
The 1.4 km Nordhavn Tunnel in the port of Copenhagen will be concluded in 2027. (Photo: The Danish Road Directorate)

The international consultancy company NIRAS has added to its growing portfolio of large tunnel projects with the win of the Nordhavn Tunnel in Copenhagen together with MT Højgaard Denmark, N.V. BESIX S.A., Bravida Danmark A/S and Jacobs. The project is expected to finish in 2027 and the level of traffic is expected to be around 8,200 cars per day.

“This is another chapter in the Cinderella story that NIRAS has been going through in recent years in relation to tunnels. We have developed tremendously, and we have managed to win a series of high profile projects in Denmark and Norway that have put our name on the map,” says Christoffer Truelsen, Vice President for MGTB in NIRAS.

The 1.4 km tunnel will be constructed under Svanemøllen Havn – a part of the port of Copenhagen - and among other things the project includes the construction of a temporary marina for approximately 750 sailing boats. The new tunnel will improve infrastructure access to the newly develoed area of Nordhavn in Copenhagen and will also help relieve certain parts of the heavily populated area of Østerbro from heavy traffic.

Latest win in NIRAS’ impressive series of tunnel projects

The Nordhavn Tunnel is just the latest in an impressive series of tunnel projects in NIRAS in recent years.

“During the years we have kept strengthening our capabilities and our position in the market, and the Nordhavn Tunnel is another example of our successful strategy. I think that in recent years we might have been punching above our weight, but I believe it is fair to say, that we have now positioned ourselves in a different league along with the heavy weights,” says Marios Dimitriadis, Head of Department in NIRAS.

In recent years NIRAS has been working closely with HOFOR (Greater Copenhagen Utility) to deliver the Valby and Kalvebod Brygge cloudburst tunnels in Copenhagen, and with VASYD on the Källby – Sjölunda deep gravity wastewater system, as well as part of a joint venture on the 5km of tunnel on the intercity railway Sandbukta – Moss- Såstad (SMS 2A) in Norway. In addition, NIRAS has signed an eight year framework agreement with Metroselskabet (The Metro Company in Copenhagen).




The 1.4 km Nordhavn Tunnel in the port of Copenhagen will be concluded in 2027. (Photo: The Danish Road Directorate)
The 1.4 km Nordhavn Tunnel in the port of Copenhagen will be concluded in 2027. (Photo: The Danish Road Directorate)
The 1.4 km Nordhavn Tunnel in the port of Copenhagen will be concluded in 2027. (Photo: The Danish Road Directorate)
The 1.4 km Nordhavn Tunnel in the port of Copenhagen will be concluded in 2027. (Photo: The Danish Road Directorate)

About Niras A/S

Niras A/S
Niras A/S
Sortemosevej 19
3450 Allerød

+45 4810 4200

NIRAS er blandt Skandinaviens førende, rådgivende ingeniørvirksomheder.

Med et bredt felt af ekspertiser inden for procesanlæg, industri og byggeri over energi, miljø, vand & forsyning til infrastruktur, udviklingsbistand og byplanlægning bidrager NIRAS til løsninger på en lang række af de største samfundsudfordringer.

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