Cooperation between taxis and sharing bicycles in Copenhagen
The collaboration between the two transport companies has come about after TIER entered the Copenhagen market for shared bicycles in the month of March. As a result of the agreement, active users of the TIER app will be, between 10 PM and 5 AM, Thursday to Sunday, asked if they have been drinking alcohol - if they reply with "yes" then they will be referred to Dantaxis app and clearly instructed not to return home using a TIER e-bike.
We are very happy about the collaboration with Dantaxi. It is Denmark's largest taxi company that works with sustainability, seriously and systematically. Together, we have developed a solution that not only encourages people to leave the electric bike standing, but also makes it easy to choose a safe and responsible alternative by ordering a taxi directly via the TIER app. It is in everyone's interest to avoid drink driving. We do not want to see anyone get injured on an electric bicycle, says TIER's Regional City Manager in Denmark, Frederik Heesch Hansen.
Every weekend, Dantaxi's drivers transport tens of thousands of people from Copenhagen, to and from the city, but new forms of mobility, such as sharing bicycles and electric scooters, can tempt young people, in particular, to drive under the influence of alcohol, and that is an unfortunate development, says the commercial director of Dantaxi. Vibeke Wolfsberg:
It is in the taxi industry's DNA that one of our most important tasks is to ensure that young people come home safely from a festive trip in the city. Leaving the car when you have been drinking, and instead taking a taxi, is a well-known slogan that the Danes have fortunately long ago adopted. But driving under the influence of alcohol is no longer limited to car transportation. We would very much like to establish that with this initiative.
The companies jointly want to expand mobility in the city. Dantaxi sees the collaboration as a natural part of the change the transportation industry is undergoing in recent years:
Transportation in the big city is changing rapidly. The trend is that micro-mobility, car sharing, and other transport solutions are gaining ground at the expense of the traditional privately owned car. The taxi has an important place in that development. The collaboration between Dantaxi and TIER is an example of how different forms of mobility merge and with the help of technology are adapted to the different needs of users at different times, says Vibeke Wolfsberg.
From Friday, the 8th of April, the integration between the apps of the two companies will be activated. The collaboration is not only limited to Copenhagen but also to other areas in Denmark where TIER offers their services. In addition to Copenhagen, they are providing their services in Odense and Herning.
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About Dantaxi 4x48 A/S
About Dantaxi
Dantaxi is Denmark's largest taxi company. The company has 85 years of experience in ensuring customer safety and providing professional service.
Dantaxi has 1,800 taxis and performs taxi services in 75 of Denmark's 98 municipalities. Ordering can be done through the company's nationwide taxi app or via the 24-hour call center.
Dantaxi is going at full speed towards the green transition with a vision of being emission-free in 2025. Dantaxi operates the Nordic region's largest charging hub for electric taxis. Dantaxi currently has 250 zero-emission vehicles. For more information, visit
About TIER Mobility
TIER Mobility is Europe's leading shared micro-mobility provider, with a mission to Change Mobility for Good. By providing people with a range of shared, light electric vehicles, from e-scooters to e-bikes and e-mopeds, powered by a proprietary Energy Network, TIER helps cities reduce their dependence on cars.
Founded in 2018 by Lawrence Leuschner, Matthias Laug and Julian Blessin, TIER is headquartered in Berlin and currently operates in 500+ cities across 28 countries in North Amerika, Europe and the Middle East. With a focus on providing the safest, most equitable and most sustainable mobility solution, TIER has been climate neutral since 2020.
TIER’s investors include SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Mubadala Capital, Northzone, Goodwater Capital and White Star Capital. For more information, visit
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