Valuer’s global strategy at work
In September Valuer kickstarted its product led growth strategy positioning the product itself as a vehicle for growth, with built in features driving shareability and adoption across users’ social graph.
With this launch, Valuer also introduced differentiated pricing across a set of new subscription tiers, lowering barriers of entry, allowing for a larger customer base across Valuer’s customer segments. A free version of the platform was added to drive user adoption and subsequent upgrades and conversion into paying customers.
Furthermore, as communicated in the company’s recent annual report, Valuer has accelerated marketing and sales efforts towards international customers according to the company’s global expansion strategy.
Product (
- 136k unique web visitors compared to 91k iin the previous three months
- 11k unique product sessions
- 375 free user signups compared to 85 in the previous three months
- 12 conversions to trials compared to 2 in the previous three months
- Signing up 5 customers across the new self service subscriptions that the company launched in September
International expansion:
- Further strengthening the customer relationship with UTP in Malaysia through increased engagements with Petronas
- Signing up the first customer in Singapore through the company’s local sales agent, galvanizing the establishment of an office there in line with the company’s global strategy
- Entering into bespoke customer relationships with a leading global consumer brand who is leveraging Valuer’s qualitative analytics capabilities for innovation discovery
Valuer will continue to put substantial focus on the Company’s product strategy and international expansion.
The customers mentioned in this press release are not of a size or financial implications that elicits a company announcement to the market.
Susanne LarssonChairman
Tel:+45 2210 4610sslarsson@gmail.comDennis PoulsenCEO and Co-founder
Tel:+45 5115 9512dp@valuer.aiAbout Valuer
About Valuer:
Valuer is a data-driven platform powered by advanced AI algorithms that helps corporations, accelerators, and venture funds with the discovery of relevant innovative technology, identifying new market opportunities, and prioritizing strategic initiatives to fuel their business development.
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