Topdanmark årsregnskabsmeddelelse 2019
Key figures
- Post-tax profit of DKK 1,547m (2018: DKK 1,331m)
- The profit of DKK 1,547m was better than assumed in the interim report for Q1-Q3 2019 in which the profit from the forecast model was DKK 1,300-1,400m
- EPS was DKK 17.7 (2018: DKK 15.4)
- Combined ratio: 83.7 (2018: 83.6)
- Combined ratio excluding run-off: 88.3 (2018: 87.5)
- Premiums increased by 2.9% in non-life insurance and 9.8% in life insurance
- Profit on life insurance was DKK 327m (2018: DKK 228m)
- After return on non-life insurance provisions, the investment return was DKK 179m (2018: DKK 16m).
Q4 2019
- Post-tax profit of DKK 431m (Q4 2018: 259m)
- EPS was DKK 4.9 (Q4 2018: 3.0)
- Combined ratio: 88.3 (Q4 2018: 81.7)
- Combined ratio excluding run-off: 92.1
(Q4 2018: 88.1) - Premiums increased by 4.4% in non-life insurance and 0.9% in life insurance
- Profit on life insurance was DKK 36m (Q4 2018:
DKK 45m) - After return on non-life insurance provisions, the investment return was DKK 230m (Q4 2018:
DKK 116m loss).
Dividend distribution for 2019
- The Board of Directors will recommend to the AGM that a dividend of DKK 1,530m be distributed for 2019, representing DKK 17 per share. This represents a payout ratio of 98.9 and a dividend yield of 5.4.
Profit forecast model for 2020
- Compared with the profit forecast model for 2020 in the interim report for Q1-Q3 2019, the assumed combined ratio for 2020 remains unchanged at about 90 excluding run-off
- The expected premium growth in non-life also remains unchanged at about the same level as in 2019 (2.9%)
- The post-tax profit forecast model for 2020 amounts to DKK 950-1,050m, excluding run-off.
Other events
- As at 23 December 2019, Topdanmark has been included in the OMX C25-index on Nasdaq Copenhagen.
In a webcast Group Communications and IR Director, Steffen Heegaard, will present the financial highlights and comment on the forecast.
Conference call
A conference call will be held today at 15:30 (CET) where Peter Hermann, CEO and Lars Thykier, CFO will be available for questions based on the annual results and the webcast. The call will be conducted in English.
In order to participate in the conference call, please call:
DK dial-in-number: +45 7815 0109
SE dial-in-number: +46 8505 58368
UK dial-in-number: +44 333 300 9031
US dial-in-number: +1 833 526 8380
10-15 minutes before the conference and ask the operator to connect you to the Topdanmark conference call – or listen to the live transmission of the call.
Please direct any queries to:
Peter Hermann
Chief Executive Officer
Direct tel.: +45 4474 4450
Lars Thykier
Chief Financial Officer
Direct tel.: +45 4474 3714
Steffen Heegaard
Group Communications and IR Director
Direct tel.: +45 4474 4017, mobile tel.: +45 4025 3524
Om Topdanmark A/S
Topdanmark er et af landets største forsikrings- og pensionsselskaber.
I mere end 100 år har vi hjulpet vores kunder med at passe på det, der betyder mest. Forebygge og begrænse skader. Sikre økonomisk tryghed før og efter pensionsalderen. Til gavn for både mennesker og miljø.
Det gør os til en attraktiv virksomhed – ikke kun for vores kunder, men også for vores medarbejdere, aktionærer og verden omkring os.
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