Krombacher Brauerei GmbH & Co

Strategic investment in the future: Krombacher Brauerei modernises bottling plant with large-scale conversion21.11.2024 11:18:21 CET | Krombacher Brauerei GmbH & CoPressemeddelelse

Over the next six years, the Krombacher Brauerei is investing a total of over 100 million euros in the conversion of its bottling plant, in order to position itself for the future. With the largest and most extensive investment project in the company's long history, the brewery is not only emphasising its strong commitment to its home location, but also underlining its importance as one of the largest employers in the region. The first stage of the modernisation project in the Littfetal building complex, the brewery's bottling and logistics division, involves the installation of a new sorting area with a state-of-the-art sorting system and systems that optimise the material flow. "Breweries process a large volume of empties every day, which makes continuous and fast sorting necessary, in order to feed them back into the production cycle. The sorting effort is extremely high due to the different bottle types and shapes. The new systems make the process much more efficient," explains Lud

Presseinvitation til doorstep: Aftaler for life science og produktion skal bidrage til løft af eksport til 350 mia. kr.21.11.2024 10:41:20 CET | ErhvervsministerietPressemeddelelse

Pressen inviteres til doorstep om Strategi for life science frem mod 2030 og ”Rød løber for produktionsvirksomheder”. Regeringen har indgået aftaler med Konservative, SF, Dansk Folkeparti, Danmarksdemokraterne og Radikale Venstre om hhv. en ny life sciencestrategi samt om udspillet vedr. rød løber til produktionsvirksomheder. Tid: 11:30. Pressen inviteres fra klokken 11:10. Sted: Erhvervsministeriet, Slotholmsgade 10. Journalister bedes henvende sig til portvagten ved ankomst. Tilmelding er nødvendig og skal ske til Erhvervsministeriets pressetelefon på 91337007.
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