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Competition is on for the CIVIS Media Prize 2025: Submissions possible until 12 December 202431.10.2024 10:30:00 CET | ARD Presse | Press release

31.10.2024 – Köln (ots) | The competition for the European CIVIS Media Prize is on. Until 12 December 2024, media professionals from all EU countries and Switzerland can submit entries online on the topics of migration, integration, cultural diversity and related issues of social cohesion. The CIVIS Media Prize honours outstanding achievements in television, radio, internet and social media that promote the peaceful coexistence of people from different geographical and cultural backgrounds. It is endowed with a total of 27,000 euros. Nine CIVIS AWARDS are awarded in various categories. Further information on the CIVIS Media Prize 2025 can be found here. Click here to register. The CIVIS Media Prize is sponsored by ARD, represented by WDR, together with the Freudenberg Foundation. ORF, SRG SSR, ARTE, 3sat, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandradio and EBU are media partners. WDR mediagroup, the Allianz Deutscher Produzentinnen und Produzenten – Film, TV und Audiovisuelle Medien e.V., the Verwert
LEO Pharma

LEO Pharma Presents Late-breaking Tralokinumab Data at EADV 2024 for Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis (AD) in the Difficult-to-Treat Head and Neck Region27.9.2024 15:00:00 CEST | LEO Pharma | Pressemeddelelse

Real-world findings showed that subgroup of patients treated with Adtralza® (tralokinumab) / Adbry® (tralokinumab-ldrm) and with head and neck (H&N) atopic dermatitis (AD) at baseline reported presence of AD in that area in 52.1% of patients after nine months of treatment.(1) As part of one of LEO Pharma’s most extensive scientific programs at EADV to date, the late-breaking presentation examined interim data from the real-world TRACE study of adult AD patients who have been prescribed Adtralza/Adbry for up to nine months.(1) Additional posters presented interim results of the TRACE study on effectiveness of Adtralza/Adbry treatment through various physician and patient reported outcomes such as improvements in Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI), Investigator Global Assessment (IGA), itch, sleep disturbance and quality of life.(2,3)

Leading Australian Technology, Communication and Productivity Solutions provider Enablo announces strategic partnership with the Super App for frontline workers Flip for Meta Workplace transition30.7.2024 08:00:00 CEST | Flip GmbH | Pressemeddelelse

Enablo, a leading Australian technology, communication and productivity solutions provider and one of the largest partners of Meta’s enterprise communications software Workplace, announces a partnership that will allow Meta Workplace customers to integrate and transition to Flip’s Super App. The partnership between Enablo and Flip brings together two leading companies in the frontline technology space with the joint mission to shape the future of work.
Obsidian Digital A/S

Innovative løsninger til dit hjem25.6.2024 10:06:42 CEST | Obsidian Digital A/S | Pressemeddelelse

Hansunos.se er en platform, der har specialiseret sig i at hjælpe virksomheder med at præsentere deres budskab gennem tekst, billede og video. Industrien er i konstant udvikling, og det er nødvendigt at følge med teknologiske fremskridt og innovation for at forblive konkurrencedygtig. Hansunos.se kombinerer ekspertise inden for design og tilpasning, hvilket gør det muligt at skabe skræddersyede løsninger, der rammer plet hos kundens målgruppe. En vigtig funktion ved hansunos.se er, at den tillader virksomhederne at fremvise deres vidensniveau, serviceniveau, anmeldelser og ry, uden at virksomheden behøver at formidle dette direkte selv. Dette gør det muligt for kunderne hurtigt at skabe sig et indtryk af en virksomhed og dens styrker, hvilket kan være afgørende i en konkurrencepræget industri. Fra at vælge den rigtige mopedhjelm til at forstå fremtidens læring gennem fjernundervisning, dækker hansunos.se en bred vifte af emner med fokus på brugervenlighed og tilgængelighed. Det er tyde
Bellagroup A/S

Bellagroup reaches significant milestones in sustainability efforts and sets ambitious goals for the future2.5.2024 07:20:03 CEST | Bellagroup A/S | Pressemeddelelse

Despite a busy year, Bellagroup broadened its sustainability focus in 2023. The hospitality company is now a quarter of the way towards being net zero by 2050 after just four years. Simultaneously Bellagroup has implemented new climate measurement initiatives and secured a certification within several ISO standards. Now a B Corp certification process awaits along with efforts to involve customers and suppliers more deeply in the company’s ESG initiatives.
Kulturværftet & Toldkammeret

Tildeling baner vej for open call for produktion af værker i krydsfeltet mellem musik og dramatik22.1.2024 09:33:24 CET | Kulturværftet & Toldkammeret | Pressemeddelelse

En tildeling fra Statens Kunstfond på 450.000 kr. muliggør, at Kulturværftet i Helsingør de kommende to år styrkes som producerende kulturcenter. Samtidigt bliver Kulturværftet en del af et landsdækkende netværk af scener, spillesteder og -platforme med faciliteter til produktion af projekter i krydsfeltet mellem musik og scenekunst. I den forbindelse offentliggør Kulturværftet nu et open call for kunstnere med projektideer inden for det musikdramatiske felt, og som ønsker at bruge Kulturværftet som ramme for deres arbejde.

The competition for the CIVIS Media Prize 2024 is open: Submissions welcome until 19 January 20246.12.2023 10:30:00 CET | ARD Presse | Pressemeddelelse

6.12.2023 – Cologne (ots) | The competition for the European CIVIS Media Prize is open. Media professionals from all EU countries and Switzerland are invited to submit contributions on the topics of migration, integration, cultural diversity and - in this context - social cohesion online by 19 January 2024. The CIVIS Media Prize honours outstanding TV, radio and online productions that promote the peaceful coexistence between people from different geographical and cultural backgrounds. It is endowed with a total of 27,000 euros. New 2024: Productions that were first shown at a festival in the period from 21 January 2023 to 19 January 2024 can also be submitted for the CIVIS VIDEO AWARD. The festival must be staged in the EU or Switzerland. Further information can be found in the conditions of participation. Nine different CIVIS prizes are awarded in four areas and various categories: CIVIS VIDEO AWARD: non-fiction programmes fiction programmes social media formats (moving images) CIVIS

Automotive companies at the crossroads: Turning soft-ware-defined vehicles from hype to value driver12.9.2023 10:43:55 CEST | EY | Press release

Transition from "hype" to implementation phase poses challenges for established industry players. Automotive software market to grow to $118 billion by 2030 but falls short of industry expectations. EY estimates that the average investment required per OEM for SDV programs will be between one and five billion U.S. dollars. The identification of future market dynamics and potentials as well as the optimization of necessary key competences (e.g., partnerships, coopetition) is crucial.

User-friendly 5G smartphone with top features for self-confident people1.8.2023 13:54:56 CEST | emporia Telecom GmbH & Co. KG | Pressemeddelelse

The Austrian manufacturer emporia has sold more than 17 million phones so far. Now the Linz-based company is launching the new E series and opening a new chapter. "With the emporia E6, we are targeting self-confident people aged 45 to 65, who value a high-end product that is easy to use, offers security and meets all the standards that are placed on a smartphone today," says Eveline Pupeter, sole owner and managing director of emporia Telecom international. The emporia E6 plays technically in the same league as the Samsung A series. Latest 5G technology, top camera and Camera Pro, NFC, fingerprint sensor, voice input. Despite the high-tech features, the Austrian Company has not forgotten what made emporia the technology leader and three-time Senior Smartphone Manufacturer of the Year in Germany: Ease of use thanks to the patented emporia interface, charging cradle, state-of-the-art technical support for those with limited hearing et cetera. Emergency button for sports and leisure And d
Grünenthal Group

Grünenthal’s resiniferatoxin receives Breakthrough Therapy Designation from U.S. FDA for pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee22.5.2023 10:38:59 CEST | Grünenthal Group | Press release

Knee osteoarthritis is a progressive condition affecting over 360 million people worldwide and may have severe symptoms, including pain. Grünenthal is running a global Phase III programme to investigate the efficacy and safety of intra-articular injections of resiniferatoxin, a non-opioid therapy, in adults with pain associated with knee osteoarthritis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Breakthrough Therapy Designation process aims to expedite the development of investigational medicines intended to treat severe conditions and where preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the drug may demonstrate substantial improvement over available therapy on clinically significant endpoints. Aachen, Germany, 22 May 2023 – Grünenthal today announced that its investigational non-opioid medicine resiniferatoxin (RTX), currently undergoing clinical Phase III development, received Breakthrough Therapy Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pain associated with osteoa
Bellagroup A/S

Bellagroup ramps up sustainability efforts at Copenhagen venues and hotels16.5.2023 10:55:37 CEST | Bellagroup A/S | Pressemeddelelse

Following recent years of significantly reduced activity due to travel and social distancing restrictions in the wake of the pandemic, business is picking back up at a rapid pace at Copenhagen-based Bellagroup. The increased activity must correspond with an increased focus on the company's impact on climate, environment, and society, says Bellagroup's Director of Responsible Hospitality, unveiling new ambitious sustainability goals and initiatives.
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