Fan Capital of the UEFA EURO 2024: Host City Hamburg celebrates successful European Championship16.7.2024 13:21:03 CEST | Hamburg Marketing GmbH

Hamburg, 15 July 2024 – Four weeks of football – four unforgettable weeks in the Host City of Hamburg. Throughout the UEFA EURO 2024, Hamburg residents and visitors were able to experience the special atmosphere in the city, could be a part of it all and enthusiastically made Hamburg into the fan capital of the tournament. Great things start in Hamburg – with solidarity, creativity and impeccable organisation, the Host City brought people from all around the globe together. And created a landmark for the EURO 2024 that is today recognised worldwide: Since yesterday, Spain has topped the container installation in Hamburg’s harbour as the newly-crowned European champion, completing the world’s largest tournament bracket created for the knockout round.

Kommunerna som leder inom solenergi: Sveriges bästa solenergiproducenter16.7.2024 10:38:32 CEST | Bonzer

Sveriges elnät består mest av el från vatten- och kärnkraft, som står för cirka 70% av produktionen. Solenergi utgör än så länge inte ens 2% av Sveriges elproduktion, men antalet installerade solcellsanläggningar växer varje år. I den här analysen rankar vi de kommuner som är bäst på solel och gör statistiken enkel att förstå. Vill du veta hur många timmar du kan dammsuga tack vare solenergiproduktionen i din kommun? Eller vilka kommuner i Sverige som producerar mest solel? Det har 1KOMMA5° tagit reda på!
Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH

IPCEI: Hydrogenious LOHC receives multi-million grant for Green Hydrogen @ Blue Danube16.7.2024 09:05:27 CEST | Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH

German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Dr Robert Habeck and Dr Markus Wittmann, Ministerial Director of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy personally handed over the 72,5 million Euro grant notification. Main scope of the project is the construction of an LOHC hub in southern Bavaria by 2028, releasing up to 1,800 tons of green hydrogen annually for local industrial offtakers and pipeline injection.
Lange PR

RenBåd sikret nye millioner til fortsat vækst16.7.2024 07:00:00 CEST | Lange PR

RenBåd, der har introduceret et innovativt servicekoncept med vinteropbevaring og vedligeholdelse af både i hele Danmark, fik i januar 2024 løven og tidligere Hungry-stifter Morten Larsen med ombord. Dengang investerede Morten Larsen 1 million kroner for 10 procent af virksomheden, og nu plotter virksomheden kursen ind mod yderligere vækst. Derfor har Morten Larsen sammen nogle af de eksisterende investorer netop tilført RenBå yderligere to millioner kroner. Samtidig indtræder Morten Larsen som administrerende direktør i stedet for grundlægger Alexander Mortensen.
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